Connect with your candidates via SMS

Let's be honest: Email is a dying channel, especially among Gen-Z. Connect with your candidates via SMS.

A cell phone with a message that says Mercuc.
Trusted by leading brands with high-volume hiring needs
AI-powered SCReening Via SMS

Confidently know who to shortlist without manually sorting through candidates

Collect resumes and candidate details conversationally via SMS.
Automatically parse applications with AI and get a match score based on the job's requirements.
Send screening questionnaires via SMS to collect details from candidates where needed.

Automate scheduling via SMS and reduce no-shows by 30%

Set up interview slots on your own calendar, your team’s calendar, or a virtual calendar.
Automatically invite qualified candidates via SMS to book an interview.
Keep candidates engaged via SMS and reduce no-shows via automated reminders.

Instantly respond to candidate questions via SMS

Answer any candidate question on SMS with AI. From salary details to working hours.
Give your candidates the support they need to succeed, regardless of language or time of day.
Help candidates find the perfect job to match their skills - without browsing job listings.
A diagram showcasing how Mercu integrates with ATS and other systems

Mercu integrates with your existing tech-stack!

View Integrations
View Integrations
Still unsure? Find the answers you’re looking for.
Will candidates be comfortable with receiving application updates on SMS?
100%. Both internal data and third-party research shows that candidates (especially Gen-Z) prefer to receive application updates via SMS (or WhatsApp).

Why? Because it's where most people already spend a lot of time and the chance of missing an update is much lower compared to email or phone calls.
I already have an ATS. How can Mercu help me?
Many of our customers use Mercu together with their existing ATS (e.g. DayforceWorkable, or TalentLyft).

Most of these applicant tracking systems don't support AI-enabled two-way communication, screening, and interview scheduling via WhatsApp or SMS.

This is where Mercu comes in to help you cut down time-to-hire even further, reduce interview no-shows, and remove HR overhead.
Do you integrate with my existing ATS?
Yes! We integrate with pretty much all major Applicant Tracking Systems (and HRIS/HRMS). You can check out our integrations page here.

And if we don't integrate with your system yet, we will build the integration to make it work!
What data do you use to train the conversational AI to answer candidate questions?
Great question! We have a pretty good idea of what candidates want to know and will ask you to provide answers to these questions.

Additionally, we will ask for any documents that cover employer branding, employee benefits, workplace culture, and pay rates.

And once we're live, we'll flag any questions that the conversational AI couldn't answer so that you can fill that knowledge gap.
I’m not sure my team will adopt it.
The answer is Mercu. See perfect employee engagement in action, today.

A high-volume hiring experience that your recruiters and candidates will thank you for.

Mercu Hire automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks when hiring frontline staff: Interview scheduling, interview reminders, and candidate questions. All while delivering the most engaging candidate experience available on the market.